It's looking like the prediction of a cold, snowy winter is right on the money. This morning it was relatively warm, 57 degrees, and sunny. It's now 48, cloudy and a cold rain has started falling. The low tonight is predicted to be 37. The rest of the week, our highs will be in the mid-30's, the lows in the 20s. We're looking at snow this coming weekend. We were hoping to get some additional work done in the garden before winter set in but it's not to be. Maybe we'll have a nice day or 2 this winter to get a little more done. Oh, well. Perhaps the prolonged cold and snow will cut down on some of the insects we fought all summer in the garden.
The cold is hard on Papa & me. Papa had back surgery 4 weeks ago today. He had been gradually improving and able to taper off some of his pain meds. The surgeon gave him a great report last Friday but said it would take about 6 months before he would be at a stable state. When he woke up this morning, he was in so much pain, he couldn't even turn over. His sciatic nerves had been severely pinched for years before the surgery. With the big front that began moving through the area last night, those nerves apparently began to swell, causing pain, again. He has struggled all day today just to get around. This may be a very long winter of healing for him.
Last week, the ever changing weather caused my allergies to go on a rampage. This lead to a sinus infection which lead to an asthma attack. The goal was to take it easy this past weekend to rest and heal naturally. Unfortunately, it didn't work. So it was off to the doctor this morning for antibiotics and steroids. If things go well tonight, it's back to work tomorrow. Things should slowly be getting back to normal over the next several days, God willing.
God is good. Blessings from our tiny farm.
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